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Activate what you came
unleash in life!


It's time to feel free & playful again

Break free of what's been holding you back, heal the past, get playful and unleash your powerful purpose through the power of creativity.

It's time for the


Maybe you've been struggling to step into your most powerful self? To connect with the magic you know lives deep within your soul and drives you. You know you have the potential for more in this life, but you just can’t seem to harness it.


During this 3-day live journey, I’ll guide you to awaken your unique creative genius heal what's been holding you back and you'll activate your powerful purpose. You’ll walk away feeling empowered and inspired to create the life you crave filled with clarity, abundance, joy & freedom - starting immediately!

Claim Your Spot to Free Your Powerful Purpose & Get What You Desire Most!

"Your purpose in life is to find your purpose and give your whole heart & soul to it."

- Buddha -

How you'll activate your powerful purpose

Activate Creativity

Through the Ritual of Cosmic

Smash Booking™

CSB is a playful and powerful experience which allows you to deeply connect with your intuition, muse and inner wisdom by activating your innate connection with color and image.


With your inner wisdom and intuition leading the way, you become your own oracle receiving answers from deep within.

Heal What Has Been

Through Play & Creativity

We will play while exploring the senses, tapping into the Jungian principle of aligning the conscious

and subconscious, as well as

transmute stuck energy ready to be released...which has held you back for

far too long.

Gain Clarity

Through Intuitive Reading of  Your Cosmic Smash Book™ Page

Once the connection with your inner wisdom has been activated, we will read the story your pages have been telling you over our 3 day journey to uncover your powerful purpose.

3-Day LIVE Virtual Playdate


Wednesday, Nov. 17th

  • Time: 3:30pm EDT | 12:30pm PDT | 8:30pm UK

  • Length: 2-Hours

  • Venue: Zoom

Thursday, Nov. 18th

  • Time: 3:30pm EDT | 12:30pm PDT | 8:30pm UK

  • Length: 2-Hours

  • Venue: Zoom


Friday, Nov. 19th

  • Time: 3:30pm EDT | 12:30pm PDT | 8:30pm UK

  • Length: 2-Hours

  • Venue: Zoom

Daily Flow

  • Opening meditation

  • Guest Speaker

  • Guided Cosmic Smash Booking™ experience

  • Intuitive reading of your Cosmic Smash Book™ page

  • Live coaching to support in activating your powerful purpose

  • Special intuitive reading of your 3-pages uncovering the full story of your powerful purpose on Day 3

Our special guests:


Chris Hawker

Inventor, Transformational Leadership Trainer, and life coach. Chris has over 20 years of experience leading creative teams in developing innovative consumer products, through his company, Trident Design, LLC. Having brought dozens of products to market, he is an expert in innovation and creativity. He coaches entrepreneurs, executives, authors, and creatives in living their vision.


Meredith Allan

Meredith Allan is a 5-time award-winning motivational speaker. She is also a seasoned TV journalist and talk show host.  Her signature speech called The “M” Factor (Marketing, Messaging, Masterminding and more) took the top prize at The International Public Speaker Contest in Las Vegas, NV.  Raising the energy in an audience is a talent Meredith perfected after more than a decade of working as a TV anchor, reporter, talk show host, and radio personality.  She has worked on FOX, ABC, NBC, CBS, and CNN affiliates across the country.


Catt Z

Catt Z is an Artist, Visionary, and the Founder of Cosmic Smashbooking.  
She helps you access your intuition through the Cosmic Smash Book Process, using a combination of Intentional Creativity ® and art journaling. 
She is a wild woman, pioneer, gypsy, lover of dogs, traveling, and starting over. she loves stepping into dangerous territory and bringing others with her on the journey.

Meet your host, Tia.

A Intuitive Energy Empowerment Coach, Reiki Master, Awakened Heart Activator and Certified Cosmic Smash Book Guide™. Tia is leading a revolution of healing through ritual experiences, energy work and customized coaching programs guiding high achieving entrepreneurs and executives to igniting their feminine power to overcome burnout, overwhelm and create the life they crave.


Tia also works with Diamond Light energy, the Tree of Life and is an oracle.


Tia specializes in the Transformational Coaching Method (TCM), is a master of habit change, and a master at helping you transform your fear which allows you to fully connect with your vision which ensures your success is inevitable.

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Activate what you came to unleash in life!

It's time to create clarity, abundance, joy & freedom!

"Within your imagination lies your powerful purpose. Accessing it lies within activating

your creativity"

- Tia -

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